Paracord Grab handles for the GX460 , Prado 150 - DIY solution

Just for fun I decided to figure out a way to add Paracord Grab handles to the Lexus GX460. Is it an essential mod? No. Does it solve a problem? No. Is there a good reason to do it? Yes! Mods = fun. My method is completely reversible if I don't care for them or need to put it back to stock. Problem 1: When the factory handles are removed there are odd shaped holes left behind. I measured then modeled some finish plates to mount the handles to. 3D printed a set and will see how they fit. Problem 2: The factory uses clips in 3/8" x 3/4" square holes to attach the stock handles. This makes it tough to just "bolt on" another option. I had to get creative in how to mount them. I settled on what I hope is a simple/strong enough design. A little garage time whipped these up. Inserted into the hole is a 1"x 3/8" drilled and tapped tab. A "C" shaped spacer is then entered into the hole to position and clamp the tab to keep it from spinning behin...