Paracord Grab handles for the GX460 , Prado 150 - DIY solution

 Just for fun I decided to figure out a way to add Paracord Grab handles to the Lexus GX460. 

Is it an essential mod? No. 

Does it solve a problem? No. 

Is there a good reason to do it? Yes! Mods = fun.

My method is completely reversible if I don't care for them or need to put it back to stock. 

Problem 1: When the factory handles are removed there are odd shaped holes left behind. I measured then modeled some finish plates to mount the handles to. 3D printed a set and will see how they fit. 

Problem 2: The factory uses clips in 3/8" x 3/4" square holes to attach the stock handles. This makes it tough to just "bolt on" another option. I had to get creative in how to mount them. I settled on what I hope is a simple/strong enough design. A little garage time whipped these up.

Inserted into the hole is a 1"x 3/8" drilled and tapped tab. A "C" shaped spacer is then entered into the hole to position and clamp the tab to keep it from spinning behind the sheet metal. This will allow me to tighten the mount ring onto the sheet metal. 

Got it all installed, in the future I'll probably spray the parts tan but so far so good. Initial plan was a success.


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