Disable the TPMS dash light on GX460 , on command.

TPMS is basically a good thing, but it can be a bit of a pain for those who like to modify our vehicles. Several scenarios cause annoyance: leaving the TPMS sensors in the OEM wheels when changing to aftermarket, buying a second set of wheels for various uses. or finally, airing down offroad. Yes, you can buy more sensors, but that increases the budget. I figured I'd just try out a $3 solution; I can always spend money if I'm not happy. Tools: Screwdriver, wire cut/crimper, 2 ft small gauge wire, electrical tape or heat shrink. Optional: soldering kit. I did not invent nor figure this out but wanted to document it for any new owner looking for ideas. I followed the directions online, easy to find. Mine refers only to the 2010 - 2013 GX460, so you'll need to do some research if yours is a different year, but the concept is still the same. The TPMS module is behind the rear driver side interior panel, directly above the cargo net connector. You remove the connector and t...