Automatic Transmission Fluid Drain and Fill - easy maintenance for Toyota "Lifetime Fluid"

 Without getting into arguing about Toyota "Lifetime Transmission Fluid" claims, or the ususal debates...

Lets just say I read and made my decision based on logic, mechanical knowledge, coupled with experiences of my own and others and my comfort/time/budget levels... 

I chose the quick maintenance option of the ATF drain and fill method. Why? It is quick, easy, least intrusive, and introduces nearly no known issues. I have high mileage vehicle: 170k and I have no record of the ATF being serviced before I bought it. 

I plan on getting another 100k out of it but with all the other maintenance time I've spent recently I wanted to hold off on a full pan/filter/gasket job. I can tackle all that later.

3-4 drain and fills will swap out a lot of the old fluid and only takes about 30 minutes and uses 2 sockets.  You can do this on a cold vehicle all in 1 day (drive a few miles and let it cool) on consecutive days, or with each oil change or whenever you find time. 

Just remember to replace the same amount you drain out. After each time, or after all is done you can run it to 115 degrees and open the center overflow valve to be sure you have the exact amount the factory recommends (I'll do it as a final level check after all the drain/fills)

ATF Drain and Fill Procedure:

1. Park on flat ground and block the wheels (can't be too safe)

2. With vehicle cold, Loosen the fill plug on upper rear of transmission. A 15/16" socket works if you don't have a 24mm

3. Remove rear drain plug and drain fluid. Should get about 2.5 to 3 Quarts. Use 14mm socket

4. Place drain plug back in.

5. Measure fluid removed and put back the same amount, I verified the capacity in this container with water from a measuring cup.

6. Use fluid pump to get the right amount in. Replace fill plug. I chose Valvoline Maxlife due to the mileage and experience of many others with the same transmission (jug shows "Toyota WS" compatibility).

7. Clean up and drive as usual. (you can shift through all the gears before you drive off if it makes you feel better )

1st 3qt drain/fill = 25% new fluid

2nd = 43% new 

3rd = 57.9% new

4th = 68.4% new fluid


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