Ditch Lights for offroad visibility
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I purchased a premade wiring kit since it was actually cheaper than buying a roll of wire alone.
The wiring was straightforward with a small slit in the wiring boot to get into the cabin and a few crimped wire ends.
I purchased a dual switch for future light expansion and installed the wires according to the diagram.
That's where my only issue came up. The switch did not work. I tried a few different wiring configurations, chased some wires with the Multimeter, and even tried the basic switch that was originally included in the harness. The basic switch worked but not the Toyota style switch. My last ditch effort was to swap some wires around on the switch plug itself and sure enough the wires and instructions given witht he switch were incorrect! The red and black wires were not in the correct place. Once I swapped them the lights came on as expected.
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